The Mission:
To help families, especially children, find life in Jesus
and grow in God's daily school of discipleship.

What is JCU?
It's a Bible college and a bootcamp.
It's a super hero academy.
It's home school, private school, public school and trade school.
It's a seminary, a monastery and Sunday school.
It's an army of One, a family of millions.
It's your own secret place of worship and public place of service.
a 365-day, 24/7, full-time walk in the presence of the living God!
It's Jesus Christ University!
Where is JCU?
It's on earth as it is in Heaven.
It's God's school of the heart.
The classroom is your own soul.
Your campus is your everyday life in the world!
What studies are offered?
You will study everything from theology to humanity,
from love to liberty, from history to eternity.
You will study the arts, sciences, cultures, religions of man.
Your main Text Book will be
The Owner's Manual: God's Word, the Bible.
Mostly, you will study God - His laws, His heart, His Son.
And you will study you -
your identity and destiny, your purpose and promise.
Popular courses?--
Art of Prayer 101, Purpose of Suffering 102, Meaning of Life 202
Who can enroll?
JCU is only open to children - children of all ages -
from 2 to 92!
It's open to all lonely, weary, hungry hearts
who are fed up
with their selfish life and a dying world
and who
will come to Jesus in childlike faith
to receive His free gift of peace, forgiveness and eternal life.
How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing!
JCU is too priceless to be purchased!
But amazingly, your tuition has already been paid!-
A full-ride scholarship by the Founder and President Himself!
He gave His life, gave His own life's blood,
so you could attend His school and grow to know Him forever!
But there are some conditions for receiving His free gift-
Your total trust, your life and worship given to Him alone!
You must face your sins... See your own cruelty and evil.
See your war with truth, with love, with yourself... with God.
Admit you deserve His anger, not His generous offer.
Understand that you deserve to die, not to live.
And as you surrender all your gods & greed, idols & dreams,
and lay them down in at the foot of a cross-shaped door-
You will meet the true Lover of your soul: Jesus,
who died in your place & took the punishment meant for you.
As you come and die with Him- and you will truly begin to live!
And you will be forgiven, reborn from Heaven,
and given the destiny you were created to fulfill.
And as let Him be your only Love & Leader--
you will become God's learner
He will become your passion!
Who are the faculty & students?
You will be taught by fellow JCU students, His Church.
He will unite you with new friends in His family to
strengthen each other
and to partner in rescuing others who need His love.
You will also receive timely counsel, sometimes quite unexpected,
family, strangers, past alumni (through their writings),
children, even nature!
But even more amazing, you will be personally tutored
your own private mentor--
the Founder Himself Jesus,
(through the presence & power of His Spirit)
When is graduation?
JCU is a continuing, lifelong education!
you will be
given the tools, weapons and wisdom
to be sent out
into perfect, custom-made, job assignments.
Yes, at JCU there will be tests!
You will be tried and purified like gold
to mold you into
the shining servant-leader
God made you to be!
You may even be asked to suffer for Him
or even to give your life!
But He will always be with you to teach you
His principles
and your
privilege to reflect Him in a dark world!
Finally, when your work here is done,
there will come a Graduation Day!
Then, your Lord & Savior, Mentor & Friend will call you home to Heaven,
to enjoy Him, with all other JCU alumni, in His glory forever!
This web site is passionately devoted to that end.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke on you and learn of Me, for I am meek and humble in heart
and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may grow ;
if so be that you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
I Peter 2:2-3
Whoever would be my disciple, let him deny himself,
take up his cross and follow Me.
Matthew 16:24
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever will believe in Him
will never die but have eternal life.
John 3:16